Graphic design
Social Media Content
Housing & Residence Life
This content was curated to inform future and current residents about the happenings of housing, encourage resident interaction and promote the residence halls and apartments.
Oklahoma Bar Association
This content was curated for Oklahoman lawyers, building a relationship with members of the bar, promoting relevant events and opportunities and spotlighting volunteer efforts.
Blog Posts
During college, I started to blog. Check out my most recent blog posts on all PR topics. Topics covered include strategic communication, crafting for key publics, research, implementing tactics and more.
Mentors Across America
In my public relations writing class, I created a mock nonprofit organization named Mentors Across America. During the semester, I created various deliverables for the organization.
Policy Analysis
During my time in my American federal government course, I got the opportunity to write a policy analysis to Governor Mary Fallin about funding for public education.
Event Planning